Your Only Real Possession

All that you have in this world is the Inner “You.”

I’m referring to the spiritual essence of an individual; his or her core being. You never really own anything in a material sense. Whatever you have-money, cars, clothes, houses-will one day belong to somebody else. These things are impermanent, transitory, not essentially yours.

Imagine going to a funeral where the casket has been left open. For most people, this is a strange experience. You might observe the body but instinctively know that no one is there. What lies before you is just materials, compiled together in a particular form.

But the inner being of that individual-the real them, who you called, mother, father, sister, brother etc.- has long since departed. That strange feeling emerges from an awareness that the individual and his or her body are separate things.

The Soul of an individual is his or her True Self. Only what it accomplishes has substance, meaning and permanence. The degree to which you develop yourself, spiritually, is the measuring stick of a successful life. It determines what you will keep forever and also what you leave behind for others.

Sadly, however, the idea of gaining in a material sense has assumed preeminence in the minds of many people. Certain members in society are often put up on a pedestal due to how much money they make. But a spreadsheet or financial report does not exemplify the quality of someone’s character.

They do not reveal whether he is kind, compassionate, thoughtful, forgiving, honest and good natured. These Inner qualities, in fact, will often determine the success you have in any area of life. Others may scheme and take advantage of people to get ahead, but their accomplishments are superficial and short lived.

There’s nothing wrong with making a lot of money. But the pursuit of material gain is unsustainable as a primary life goal. Actually people who are ruled by money will inevitably crash and burn on a personal level, often several times throughout life.

We’ve all heard stories about individuals who dominate in the world of business or selling, yet are frequently plagued by depression, anxiety, bankruptcy, divorce and other negative experiences. This goes to show that having deep pockets won’t bring someone mental balance, inner peace and a clear heart.

In fact, many of the world’s happiest people would be labeled poor by modern society’s standards. This is not to say that poverty should be held up as an ideal life experience. It just goes to show that money and well-being are not naturally tied together.

Possessions can be taken away at any time. But what you hold inside, no one can touch. This is just one reason why a focus on character development is so essential for those on the Spiritual path. It is what will actually elevate your Being beyond the grasp of worldly evils.